UNC Department of Psychiatry Ghosts Abandonment patients
Sad Story from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine
UNC Department of Psychiatry Ghosts Abandonment patients
UNC Department of Psychiatry Ghosts Abandonment patients
UNC Department of Psychiatry Ghosts Abandonment patients
This is the journey of Bryan, an award-winning Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner at the UNC School of Medicine— a compassionate and dedicated mental health provider, beloved by his patients and respected by his colleagues. Despite his outstanding performance, Bryan was essentially fired for standing up against unfair treatment and his patients, seeing him for mental health, were led to believe he left them without even a goodbye.
In 2021, Bryan was didn't get a raise because salary funding priority was to a BLM-inspired “Diversity” initiative. Employees were warned that speaking up about this would label them as “racist” and make them unwelcome in the department. Bryan honestly thought a little help there was a good thing so he went along with it. The following year, in 2022, he again didn't get any sort of raise—this time, due to priorities for a “Gender Salary Equity” initiative. He was told that voicing concerns would mark him as a “misogynist.” Meanwhile, Bryan was working tirelessly through the pandemic, managing an emergency room psychiatric diversion clinic, all while receiving stellar performance reviews. Two years without a raise—solely because of his race and gender—didn’t seem fair or legal.
Bryan has always supported Diversity and Equity, but he believed these initiatives should be implemented thoughtfully, not in a way that punished individuals like him. When he attempted to address the salary issue with Dr. Samantha Meltzer-Brody, the department chair responsible for setting salaries, she refused to provide a written response. UNC teaches its students and faculty to speak up in the face of injustice—so Bryan did. Inspired by watching the movie Jerry Maguire one too many times, he wrote a heartfelt advocacy letter to the Dean of the School of Medicine, Dr. Wesley Burks, raising concerns about the legality and ethics of these practices. His letter was not an attack; it was a plea for fairness. He suggested more equitable solutions, such as a minimum raise. All other state employees were getting 3% and 4.5% raises those years. Bryan also noted he hadn't seen any improvement in diversity of ethnicity like what was promised. Bryan learned most of the 'Diversity Money' went to generous raises for the female executives. How could that be? Bryan was told "Diversity" included all women as 'historically marginalized'. Bryan found this bait and switch as deceptive and certainly odd, since the department was predominantly female. Bryan opinioned if the money was going to females, he wanted more support of his hard working female social worker friends who were only getting 1-3% raises, not the high-earning female executives who were getting 10% raises two years in a row. But his letter was met with silence from Dr. Burks.
Six months later, Bryan was called into what was labeled as routine “check-in meeting” with Dr. Meltzer-Brody—only to be ambushed and informed that his contract would not be renewed. No prior warning. No reason given and delivered with a vengeance. All five of Bryan’s female colleagues had their contracts renewed. Documents would later reveal that this was a calculated act of retaliation for speaking up.
Determined to alert the School of Medicine what was going on, Bryan filed a grievance—a legally protected action and right. The very next day Dr. Meltzer-Brody and UNC Psychiatry leadership began a vengeful campaign with an internally stated goal of immediately terminate him. They new that would be illegal though, so they came up with a secret plan to removing him from the clinic. They attempted to pressure Bryan, who was on vacation, into accepting a quiet exit—offering him two months of paid leave to just stay out on vacation, but with the condition that he never speak to his patients again. This violated the ethical care standards of Bryan, and both the NC Board of Medicine and the American Psychiatric Association, which require proper patient transitions in mental health care. Bryan would have loved not to come back and have 2 months of paid vacation, but it wasn't right and Bryan declined the offer. UNC Psychiatry escalated their tactics, ultimately ambushing him the the minute he came back from vacation with a clinical reassignment out of patient care and cutting off all communication with his patients, some who had been seeing him for 10 years. UNC Psychiatry's new job for Bryan was spending his final two months with UNC writing a one page paper (an intentionally menial assignment, the very definition of retaliation).
The impact on his patients was devastating. Many, already struggling with abandonment issues, were left confused and afraid. UNC Psychiatry misled them, making it seem to patients that Bryan had left them without a goodbye, a transition, or a plan. Some patients even feared Bryan had died because that was their understanding of schedulers telling them "he's gone, that is all we can say". The betrayal weighed heavily on Bryan—he would never abandon those who depended on him. Yet UNC forced him into silence with a threat of HIPAA violations if he spoke with any former patients.
For the past 14 months, Bryan had been going through the UNC Grievance process with the hope someone at the University of North Carolina would would listen and take action. Instead, UNC has ignored the facts, and is alleged to have allowed Dr. Meltzer to tell multiples of outright lies, and given special consideration to Dr. Meltzer-Brody since she was the commencement speaker in December of 2023. She spoke of "compassion and understanding"- read the full details yourself below in the Demand Letter to see that what she practices is alleged to be the exact opposite.
UNC has failed to resolve this injustice, and now, Bryan’s case is headed to court. His story is not just about one person—it’s about accountability, fairness, and the right to speak up without fear of retaliation. You can read the full details of his case in the demand letter below and referenced attachments are here on the website.
Files coming soon.
Advocy Letter (pdf)
Downloadstarted 2022, graduates 2025, appears to be 9 men and 7 women
started 2023, graduates 2026, appears to be 7 men and 10 women. A turning tide from gender balance.
started 2024, graduates 2027, appears to be 2 men and 16 women. Where did the men go? Are they unwelcome or avoiding UNC?
UNC School of Medicine has taken an erasure to their DEI history. Luckily the internet doesn't forget, look for examples coming soon.
Undergraduate from Simmons University in Boston, an all female college in Boston well known for an extreme liberal identity that she is forcing on the great people of North Carolina. Dr. Meltzer Brody has taken her 400+ person department from a 50/50 balance of men and woman to a department that is now over 70% female.
Dr. Brownly, previously Vice Chair of Diversity and Inclusion for the department of Psychiatry wrote an article for outsports.com titled "trans girls deserve to play sports aligned with their gender identity." That didn't age well and the article has been deleted. Where is Dr. Brownley now? UNC put her in the Office of Human Research doing ETHICS. Someone must have pointed out that isn't a good look because they recently took 'Ethics' out of her title, but she is still there. Maybe she doesn't like being hidden because her linked-in profile still lists her in Diversity and Inclusion.
UNC’s Vice Dean for DEI wrote an email entitled “Please Don’t Share this SJ Document” where he says that [Dean of UNC SOM] “Wesley and Cristy” are standing firm in defending his DEI work and he warns against sharing it publicly.
Read this troubling report about what was going on UNC Medicine @ colorusunited.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/DNH_Report_UNC_v1.pdf
Read about the cover ups in the UNC School of Medicine @ https://colorusunited.org/unc-petition/
Dr. Meltzer Brody was heavily promoting Brexanalone, a novel medication for post partum depression. Depressed mothers would be driven or flown in to UNC from around the county by desperate husbands and parents for the miracle of Brexanalone. What wasn't promoted though was UNC didn't have it on their formulary, so it cost 'extra' and the patient or insurance had to pay the $28,000 cost. Few insurances covered it, leaving depressed mothers stuck out of state, with their husbands in a local hotel with their baby, while mom ended up getting treatment with $0.50 Sertraline tablets they could have gotten from home. Patients and families were furious. Several hundred admissions into the unit and the 'whisper number' for patients who actually got the drug.... under 40.
UNC Psychiatry made a big announcement in July 2022 about a new 'innovative' program offering Acute Telepsychiatry Services in Emergency rooms. Why a big announcement about something ECU has been doing for the past 10 years with their award winning NC-STeP program? What really happened was UNC called ECU for details on this program, pretending to want to collaborate, then UNC launched this copy cat program and dared to call it "innovative". How shameful is it UNC didn't give credit like they should have.
In April 2022 there was a preventable tragedy at UNC. Troy Simecelli was a 29 year old having a difficult time and intentionally crashed his car. He was taken to the UNC Emergency Department and due to poor Psychiatric procedures, where his mother was pleading with the Emergency Department to hold Troy since he was suicidal, UNC discharged him. Troy immediately went and tragically completed the suicide by jumping off a UNC hospital Skywalk Bridge onto the road below. One would think the next day would be a serious one in the Department of Psychiatry for a suicide screening training, but the meeting chat log wasn't serious, no, it was filled with highly inappropriate jokes against conservatives.
UNC Adolescent Psychiatry practices what is called Affirmative care. What this looks like is telling kids its ok to be depressed. They tell them "America is a terrible country led by a horrible man and we understand you're upset the world is ending soon due to climate change caused by your parents, here's an antidepressant, now just go live in your room with the door closed, we understand."
We need to build confidence and optimism in our NC teens. They would benefit from resiliency and positivity, not "affirmation".
Why are 15-20% of NC Adolescent Females on an antidepressant? Discussion coming soon!
Thank your for your support.
Keep NC informed by sending you tips about NC psychiatry programs to support@ncpsychreport.com . Any corrections, we want to tell the truth, let us know if you think something is inaccurate @ support@ncpsychreport.com.